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I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla
I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla Read online
K.C. Mills Presents
I Got Love for A Carolina Hustla
Nikki Brown
© 2018
Published by Supreme Works Publications
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This book is dedicated to my Granny, Carrie Ann Barnes. I never knew how much I needed you until you were no longer here. You never missed a chance to tell me how proud of you were of me and I will always remember that. Continue to watch over me, I’ll forever celebrate your memory. Rest Easy My Angel!
A Jewel Created 01/26/1946
A Diamond Returned 03/17/2018
Ocean Renee Charles
“I don’t think it’s appropriate for a married woman to be going out to a club like she’s single.” I rolled my eyes in the back of my head because I was irritated with this conversation. Bryce had spent the last twenty minutes telling me how much he was against me going out with my sister River tonight. What he didn’t know was the whole time he was talking I was applying my makeup flawlessly. He had no right to tell me anything about how he was feeling after the shit he’s taken me through. “Plus, Ocean, you know how your sister is.”
“Bryce I’m not going there with you tonight.” Was the only thing I said throughout his entire rant. He wanted an argument and I wasn’t in the mood to give him that.
“You are a married woman Ocean, you wear my last name. Do you think I want my wife out here acting like a hoe?” He shouted through the phone and at that moment I had had enough of his shit and I was about to give him what he wanted.
“Did you give a fuck about being married when you were fucking your receptionist?” the line went quiet just like I thought it would. “You have a lot to say about what you don’t want me to do or what I should be doing, but none of this shit was on your mind when you were bringing me home Gonorrhea now was it.”
Me and Brice had been together for twelve years and married for four. I met him the minute I stepped on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University. Bryce wasn’t my type, I had a strong addiction to bad boys, but his cocky demeanor grew on me. I ended up giving him a chance and I never looked back. Now I wished I had of stuck with my first mind.
I was content with my little life until I went in for my annual check-up about three months ago and was told that I had Gonorrhea. I cried so hard in that doctor’s office that they threatened to call EMS because Dr. Miller was afraid that I would do something to myself.
I kept asking him over and over is there any other way I could have caught this other than from having sex. and he assured me that it was indeed a sexually transmitted disease. My husband had been unfaithful. I knew things weren’t the best between us, but I didn’t know they were to the point where he would cheat.
When I confronted him about it he confessed that he had cheated on me with his receptionist. I just knew that he was gonna deny it, but to my surprise, he admitted it and apologized for it. Which was the main reason I decided to take him back.
He told me that he was done with her and it was only one time, I quickly found out that was a lie when I went to his office to confront the both of them together. When I walked into his office she was coming out of the bathroom and he was right behind her letting me know that this was more than the one-night stand that he tried telling me about.
Ms. Bailey didn’t waste any time telling me that they had been dating for the last year and that he was planning to leave me for her. He denied it all and begged me to stay but I went straight home, called River and she called one of her boy toys that owned a moving company. I had his shit packed and ready for him by the time he got off work. I shocked myself at how quickly I got that done, but never doubt a woman scorned.
“I thought you forgave me for that Ocean?”
“I forgave you, yes, but I damn sure didn’t forget.”
I was starting to get frustrated and I didn’t want to do that. I promised River that I would go out with her tonight and celebrate her birthday with her. It was Leo season and I always brought in her day with her just like she always brought in mine with me. It was like a little tradition that we had going on between the two of us.
“I just want us to get back to where we used to be Ocean.” He whined, but I didn’t have a drop of sympathy for him. Nothing he could do or say could make me feel bad for the way he did me.
I had a mental battle with myself daily on whether I wanted to try and make our marriage work or not. It’s like every time I get to the point that I want to, I think about everything that transpired between us and then the thought is gone.
“You have to give me time Bryce.” Honestly, I don’t even think time will get me to where I needed to be in order for us to try and work things out. There was too much hurt there. But if it would get him off of the phone then it was what it was.
“It’s been three months, how much fucking time do you need?” he yelled.
Bryce was selfish as fuck and he didn’t understand how to treat me. In his mind he had me the minute he put the ring on my finger and at that moment is when the romancing stopped, hell everything stopped, and we became content.
“As much fucking time as it will take for me to get over the fact that you carried on a whole fucking relationship outside of our marriage.”
He didn’t say anything, but I could hear him huffing and puffing. It killed him to not have any control over this situation. He wanted me to just fold over and accept his mistakes, but I didn’t know if I could ever trust him again. As far as I know, he’s still fucking around with Bailey.
“Let’s have dinner tonight instead of you going out.”
As much as I complained to him the whole time that we were together about him never taking me out and spending time with me, now that I’m about to go out and enjoy time with my sister, he wanted to take me out.
“No thanks, but you have a good night,” I said and then hung up the phone.
“He gets on my fucking nerves,” I said standing up checking out my reflection in the mirror.
Bryce’s ass was scared that I was going to go out and find someone worthy of my love and serve his ass with divorce papers. If he only knew I had already filed, my lawyer was just waiting for me to give him the go-ahead to serve him.
“Damn bitch you sexy or whatever.” My sister River burst into my room with a bottle of Vanilla Crown in her hands. “You almost look good as me.” she twirled around and smacked herself on the ass.
River was what you would call a plus size bombshell. She was a perfect size sixteen with a small waist, her stomach wasn’t washboard flat like mine, but it wasn’t fat. Her hips protruded from her sides like handlebars, and she had an ass to match. I was always jealous of her breasts because mine were barely a B cup and she was sporting a nice pair of double D’s. My sister was absolutely beautiful with or without makeup, but today she was beat.
People often said we looked alike. We both shared the same round face and high cheekbones; our slanted eyes gave us an exot
ic look. We even had the same pouty lips; the only difference was I was built smaller like my mom’s side of the family, and River had a little more cushion. We both were sexy, men loved us, and women hated us from a distance. Even though we were both well educated, me a social worker and River a physical therapist we knew how to defend ourselves, Daddy made sure of it.
“Don’t hate bitch, I know you see me.” I spun around in my Jovani black sequin dress that hugged my curves like Jovani himself came into my room and painted it on me.
Bryce had bought me this dress for our fourth anniversary, and I never got a chance to wear it because we never went out. The thin spaghetti straps supported the dress as the neckline dove to the tip of my navel, and the back rested on top of my plump ass. The dress was simple, but it looked damn good on me. I had to remember to go and thank my favorite salesperson at Neiman Marcus over off Sharon Rd for recommending this dress to him because it was to die for.
“Oh whatever hoe, you skinny hoes played out a nigga want something to hold on to.” She rolled her hips while caressing them. I shook my head because my sister was crazy and she didn’t care who didn’t like it.
“Bitch whatever, I got a lot to hold on to.” I popped my ass making my dress slightly rise up.
“But seriously you look good sis, I heard you on the phone with that male gigolo, don’t let him ruin your night. I would hate to have to smack him again.” she rolled her eyes, and I giggled.
When River first found out about Bryce cheating on me, she went over to his office and slapped him in front of all of his colleagues. Then she proceeded to cuss him out and tell everybody that he was sleeping with his receptionist and they were passing gonorrhea back and forth between each other.
When Bryce called me to tell me what she had done, I couldn’t do nothing but laugh. She acted more like the big sister when in reality, I had her by four years. I was more trusting when it came to people, River was borderline paranoid especially when it came to me.
“Thanks, girl, nah I would never let him ruin my night. Hell, I might fuck around and find the man of my dreams,” I joked, and we slapped hands. “I like that outfit on you too.”
River had on a black lace dress that was see through down both sides, giving you a little boob action. You could tell that she didn’t have on underwear, but hell she never did. She’s hated them ever since we were little kids. The dress fit her showing off her flat stomach and wide hips, we’re definitely about to make some noise tonight.
“Damn it’s thick in here tonight!” River yelled over the sounds of Unforgettable by French Montana.
I slowly rocked my hips to the beat of the music, I loved this song it was something about the beat of it. I took in my surroundings, every nigga in the hood was here at Club NV for the annual Leo Bash. Normally we opted not to come to this because it was always some mess, but River insisted this year, and I was down to change things up a little.
“Hell yeah, I have never seen so many niggas in one spot in my whole life.” I leaned over and attempted to say into her ear. “Let’s get a drink.” I nodded my head towards the bar, and she followed me.
Moving my hips to the beat of the song, I scanned the room until I landed on a pair of eyes that were glued to me. I looked to the side of me and then behind me to make sure that I wasn't just paranoid, but when I turned back around his eyes were still on me. I flashed a smile, but it wasn’t returned he just continued to stare.
The man was fine as hell, he had a medium brown tone with soft pink lips that poked from underneath his neatly trimmed mustache. His eyes were mysterious, and drawing me in. As bad as I wanted to turn away, I couldn’t. It was like I was in a trance that I couldn’t shake myself out of until I heard someone say something behind me.
“Hey beautiful, would you like to dance?” I looked to my left, and there was this handsome, fair-skinned man grinning in my face. He had all the confidence in the world that he was gone get my attention. I would have loved to dance with him if he wasn’t eye-level with my breasts.
I wasn’t tall by far, barely reaching 5’6,” but he was shorter than that, so I politely declined. He walked over to River, and she gave him a look that said don’t even and he walked away with his head hung low.
“You ain’t have to do him like that River.” I picked with her.
“Did you see how little he was, imagine a bitch hop on top to ride and end up killing the poor bastard.” I grabbed my stomach and bent over laughing. She was so ignorant at times. “I ain’t trying to catch nobody’s charge have me on the news.” She put her hands up like she was presenting a banner, “Thick bombshell smothers midget during sex.” She shook her head, and I continued to laugh.
“You are fucking retarded,” I said trying to catch my breath.
“You laughing I’m dead ass.” She hadn’t once cracked a smile she was serious, and that’s what made the shit so funny. “It is some fine ass average height niggas in here though,” She said bobbing her head looking around, I laughed again, and she waved me off. “Come on girl let’s go dance, shit.”
I threw back the shot that the bartender had placed in front of me. I looked back in the direction of my mystery man and didn’t see him anymore. I shrugged my shoulders and followed River out to the dance floor. We were out there having a good ass time, I even danced with a few of the guys that came up to me. I ain’t had this much fun in a while.
Lucas “Kraft” Sharp
Lil mama was the baddest thing in here, I couldn’t help but stare at her. She had a nigga salivating at the mouth. I wanted to go down there and straight up fuck up any nigga that was trying to push up on her. Right now, a little nigga was in her face, and I laughed when I saw her and her sister clowning. I sat down in my section, so she wouldn’t see me. I would be hollering at her before the night was over, but I had some business to handle first.
“Damn shorty bad.” Sony, my brother, said from beside me. I gave him a look that said chill, and he chuckled. “Nigga chill, you don’t even know the broad and Kelsi a beat yo ass if she knew you were here scoping out new pussy.” I nudged him, and he laughed.
Kelsi was my girlfriend of three years, we met at a club back in Atlanta. We chilled the whole week, I spent a few bands and fucked the shit out of her in the process. I thought that I was leaving her ass where she was when I hit I85 back to NC, but I was wrong. Come to find out she was on vacation with her sister and moms.
She hit me up the minute she got back and wanted to holla at me. I met with her, and we chilled, and that turned into a three-year relationship. I honestly didn’t know shit about her except for she was selfish, money hungry, and her got damn mama and sister didn’t know how to stay out of her fucking business.
I was really starting to hate Kelsi, I mean she was beautiful as fuck. Dark skinned, tall, she wore a ton of makeup even though she didn’t have to. She had a natural beauty with hair down her back, but she chose to wear weave instead. Everything about her was fake even her orgasms.
“Fuck her!” I said and grabbed my bottle of Henny that I had on the table.
Me and Kelsi were at odds because I was about to get custody of my 13-year-old nephew. My sister, Cherice done got fucked up on a murder charge, and someone needed to get him before he went into the system. My dad had drug charges so they wouldn’t give Cherice’s son to him so he asked me to try and I didn’t hesitate.
The way things were looking, they were going to let me get him, but Kelsi had an issue with it. She felt like it would ruin what we got going on like I somehow would have less time for her. Like I said the bitch was selfish. She didn’t look at the bigger picture that my flesh and blood was out in the system when he had a family.
“She still tripping about Young?” Sony asked calling Kameron by his nickname.
“Yeah talking about it ain’t her responsibility to take care of someone else’s son.” I shook my head because I get pissed every time I thought about it. “I’m about ready to put her the fuck
out of my house.”
“I been told you that high sadity bitch wasn’t for you.”
“Yeah yeah, nigga.”
I scanned the club looking for my beauty, and when I spotted her a nigga had his hands all over her, I had had enough. I jumped up and headed down to where she was. I didn’t know this woman from Adam, but I wasn’t feeling the little show she was putting on.
When I got down to the lower level because the VIP sections were on the second floor, I walked up to where she was dancing. I pulled out my nine and put it up to the nigga that was behind her, head. I didn’t give a fuck about anybody seeing me because my name rang bells around this bitch.
I ran the most lucrative and successful drug empire that Charlotte had ever seen, they knew what happened to snitches, so I wasn’t worried about any of that. That and the fact my pops owned this club, I was good.
“Yo if you know what’s good for you, you would back the fuck up,” I said low enough for only him to hear.
He turned around with a scowl on his face, he looked at my gun and then who I was and put his hands up in mock surrender. He backed away from her, and I put my gun back in my waistband. She was oblivious to what was going on because she was too busy twerking her ass all over the place.
Stepping up behind her she started winding her hips to the beat of the song that was resonating through the speakers. I was so lost in her movements that I didn’t even know what song was playing.
Slowly turning around to face me, when she realized it was me she just stood there in shock. I had been eye fucking her all night, so I knew she knew who I was. She had her hair up into one of those natural styles where it looks like one big puff. The red lipstick she wore made my dick brick up, I could imagine that shit on my dick as she sucked it with her sexy ass lips.
Everything about this woman was the shit, and I just wanted to be near her. I just prayed that she wasn’t one of those women that were pretty on the outside and dense on the inside. I hated that shit, it was what I was dealing with right now.