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I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla Page 2

  “Hey, beautiful,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Hey.” She looked around like she was looking for someone, she was trying her best to avoid eye contact with me, but I wasn’t letting that happen.

  “All you need to see is right here in front of you.” I was a cocky muthafucka and when I wanted something I got it even if it was only for a night.

  “You’re very sure of yourself mister—” she drug her words waiting for me to tell her my name.

  “Lucas, but my friends call me Kraft.” I smiled, and she tried her best not to return one, but the huge crater that lied in her cheeks appeared. “Yo smile making my dick hard.” I took a step towards her, and she put her hands up to stop me from coming any further.

  “Excuse me?” Her tone was shocked, but her demeanor was inviting. She seemed like a good girl, probably not used to a nigga like me, but she was interested and the way her eyes were exploring me let me know that she was curious. “You don’t know me to be speaking to me that way, I’m a married woman.”

  I took a step back and gazed into her beautiful slanted eyes, she was unsure of her words. I wasn’t a home wrecker or no shit like that, but I could tell by the way she refused to look at me after she said that about being married that there was no substance to it.

  Leaning down close to her, my lips almost touching her ear I whispered, “Either you lying or that nigga no longer matters cause the way yo nipples poking out of that thin ass dress tells me everything that I need to know.”

  “You—I—Just—” she stammered and without another word exchanged I grabbed her hands, and she followed me, just like I thought she would.

  “Ocean!” I heard someone call after her. Hmmm her name is Ocean, beautiful just like her. I looked down at her and then up at the person calling, and it was some nigga dressed in a business suit followed by a skinny light skinned skinny chick with freckles.

  “Who the fuck is that?” I asked her, and she seemed startled, but that quickly turned to anger when she looked at the guy and his guest. She jerked away from me and stomped off in the opposite direction. Then it was like something hit her, she spun around so fast I didn’t know whether to stand there or get the fuck away from her.

  “The fact that you’re here with this bitch lets me know that all that shit you been screaming about fixing your marriage has been nothing but bullshit Bryce. I’m so fucking glad I filed for divorce. Monday morning I will be having you served you stupid son of a bitch.” She yelled so loud everyone in our immediate space had given us their attention.

  A part of me felt like I needed to take a step back and mind my fucking business. I didn’t know this woman, and I didn’t know her situation with her husband. This wasn’t my fight, but something was keeping me there, something that I couldn’t explain.

  “Ocean it’s not like that, she asked me to accompany her to this event. It’s not what you think.” He pleaded, and the chick that was with him tilted her head, and I knew for a fact that this was about to get bad. I didn’t need this kind of attention, with the line of business I was in.

  “Let’s roll shorty,” I said in her ear, and she led the way up the stairs.

  “Ocean, get back here. This conversation is not over.” Old dude yelled and ran up like he was about to grab her. I turned on my heels and got in his face, he looked from me to her, but he didn’t say anything, and I didn’t either. He wasn’t about that life, and he knew it. So he made his way back to his date who was pissed the fuck off because she was going off on him.

  When we got to the top of the stairs, I grabbed her arm and turned her around to me. I had to see where her head was. If she was still in love with that nigga, I wasn’t about to waste my time. I was already taking a big risk dealing with a chick that I just met, with this much drama, and having Kelsi at home. It was just something about her, if there was a chance that I could get to know her then that’s what I wanted to do but the ball was in her court.

  “You good?” I asked, and she looked down where all of the festivities took place and then back at me with a smile.

  “Yeah, that’s my soon to be ex-husband.” She was over the situation, and I could tell. There was love there, but her eyes told me that he was not going to be a problem.

  I nodded my head and grabbed her hand, escorting her to the other side of the VIP section. The music was subtle up here and not as loud, so I could actually have a conversation with her.

  “Nah bitch you can get the fuck on,” Sony said the minute we turned the corner to get to the VIP section. He was going back and forth with this chick we knew from the hood. “You looking for a come up and I ain’t that.” he shook his head, and we all looked on waiting to see what would happen next, unfortunately for me, I knew that it was about to go all bad.

  “You don’t even know me, I was trying to help you out and give you some company.” Her hand was over her chest like she was appalled at his accusations. “But I see why no one wants to be ‘round you.”

  “The fact that your weave is stiff as fuck and yo thighs don’t match your ass tells me all I need to know.” Sony slouched down on the leather couch that lined the section we were occupying. “Don’t let me get started on the stretch marks popping out of the sides of that dress, you more than likely got more kids than I got women and I ain’t trying to be nobody’s daddy.”

  “Sony chill nigga,” I said nudging Ocean to walk in the section, but she was hesitant, and I couldn’t blame her, but at this point, she didn’t have a choice. I had inserted myself into her beef with what I take is her ex, so she owed me at least a conversation.

  “Nah, I was here chilling, and she walked her ass up in here all willy-nilly like she was invited. I’ve asked her to leave twice so what happened after that wasn’t on me.” He never bothered to look my way he still had his eyes on the girl that still hadn’t left the section.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.” She filled herself up and then placed her hands on her hips.

  “Nah I’m good on you.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to a new girl that was entering our section. “You can take yo ass on too, I ain’t no chubby chaser.”

  The next thing we knew there was a drink flying across the room and landing on the cream shirt that Sony was wearing.

  “Fuck!” I said under my breath because everyone knew that disrespecting us was a death sentence, but the beautiful woman standing before us didn’t care about any of that. She had a fearless attitude, and it was attractive. The way my brother looked up at her and didn’t react, let me know that he thought so too.

  Sony was superficial as fuck, so the plus-sized beauty wasn’t his type, but he was drawn to her, I could see it in his eyes. Even when he lowered them from breaking their little stare off, you could see the wheels were turning in his mind, and he was having an internal battle within himself.

  “River!” Ocean said through gritted teeth.

  “You know her?” I asked incredulously. Instantly taking in their similarities, I turned my attention to Sony urging him to stay chill. If he got into it with River, I knew there was no chance of me getting to know Ocean.

  “Yes, that’s my sister.” She said with that sexy attitude she had earlier.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but you don’t know me. I am not in the mood to be dealing with assholes tonight. Don’t nobody want you, sitting over there looking like you take more time in the bathroom than I do. Talking about you don’t do chubby, nigga I don’t do bitch niggas, pussies, or whack muthafuckas you feel me?” River laid in on my brother.

  “Who the fuck you think you talking to?” Sony raised up in his seat and gave her a look. I knew shit was about to go all the way left. “I’ve slapped bitches for less.”

  “Muthafucka got me fucked up, you gone do what to who?” She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. “Better shut the fuck up before I get mad and fold yo ass up like a fucking pretzel and take the dick just because I can. You don’t do chubby tuhh
then nigga you don’t do real.” She threw herself on the sofa on the opposite side of the section than Sony. “Ocean who are these people?”

  She leaned up and poured her a shot of Cîroc that was on the table. I looked from her to Ocean and then to my brother who had a shocked, yet amused look on his face. I must say this was the first time that I had ever seen him speechless.

  “Fuck you yo!” was all he said. Everything got quiet for a minute before we all busted out laughing. I can’t believe she said that shit, but it was funny as hell. Even Sony laughed. He was known for having a smart ass mouth and speaking his mind, which was the reason people rarely said much to him but I think he had just met his match. “I’m out! Lucas holla at me tomorrow.”

  “I’m the clap back queen, you better learn about me.” River laughed and Sony shook his head and walked out of the section dapping me up on his journey out. “Ocean, you good?”

  Ocean looked from me to her sister and then glanced back out at the crowd. I grabbed her hand letting her know that she was good with me. She reluctantly nodded her head at her sister, and she stood up and fixed her another drink.

  “River you just can’t come up here messing with people’s shit,’ Ocean scolded her sister.

  “Who the hell gone stop me?” she held her cup in one hand while the other rested on her hips.

  Normally I would have cussed her cocky ass out, but I liked her. She didn’t hold back, and she knew who she was. My kinda chick.

  “Yo, she’s good sis! I can promise you that.” I said, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Ion know you like that but just know if something happens to that one right there, you better pray like hell I don’t ever find you.” She threatened.

  “Do you know who I am?” There was no way they knew who my brother and I were with the way they were talking to us. It was crazy to me and a turn on at the same time.

  “Y’all keep saying that,” Ocean said folding her arms across her chest. “Are y’all celebrities or something? I’m genuinely confused.”

  I chuckled at their cluelessness, and I cherished it at the same time. If they had no clue who we were then if we were to build something it would be genuine. I nodded my head not letting them in on what now was our little secret.

  After assuring River that Ocean was good, she excused herself and returned to the party that was live and in its prime. I got comfortable beside the melanin beauty and prepared myself to get to know her.

  “So Ocean huh?”

  “Yep that’s me.” she nervously straightened out her dress and attempted to pull it down, but there was no hope for the short ensemble that she had on.

  “Yo, that shit ain’t going nowhere so you can stop trying to pull on it.”

  “Are you always so blunt?” She asked looking me in the eyes.

  “What other way is there to be? I ain’t about to sugar coat shit for no grown muthafucka. That shit causes problems you know what I mean?”

  “I get that, but sometimes people don’t need to know everything you’re thinking. Some things are meant to stay in there.” She tapped my forehead, and I wrinkled it. I didn’t play people touching my face, but she didn’t know that so I let it ride.

  “So you don’t want to know what I’m thinking right now?” I licked my lips, and she subtlety squeezed her legs together. “You need to stop tripping shorty, you want to be in my presence just as bad as I want to be in yours.”

  “You’re very attractive, so I will admit that physically I’m drawn to you, but your mouth is turning me off.” The smile that was trying to breakthrough said otherwise. She was just saying what she thought she had to say.

  “That’s a fucking lie, and you know it. Everything about me fucks your head up because it’s of the unknown, you’re not used to it, it’s not your norm, and that’s okay. Sometimes we need that shit to balance out our perfect lives.” I smirked.

  “My life is not perfect.”

  “I never said it was.” I chuckled and decided to change the subject. “Ocean? That’s different.” She rolled her eyes.

  “My mom is obsessed with bodies of water, she said that whenever she was pregnant with us, she was most calm near water. Water makes her feel at peace, and that’s when she’s at her happiest.” She smiled.

  “Ya moms sounds dope as hell, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Who says you’ll get to meet her?”

  “Because this shit feels right.”

  “We just met!” she skeptically said.

  “And? Ever heard of love at first sight?”

  I don’t know where all this shit was coming from, but it was just falling off my lips, and I had no control over any of it. I wanted to stop myself but I couldn’t. Here I was macking to this chick and I had a bitch at home. Granted I had one foot out the door, but I was still occupying space.

  The conversation flowed from that point on, it was like something switched in her, or maybe it was the drinks that she started throwing down, but she began to open up to me in ways that I didn’t imagine. She told me all about her situation with her husband. We talked about what she did for a living. I asked her where she worked, but she said she wasn’t that drunk to tell me some shit like that.

  This girl was not only beautiful, but she was also smart as fuck, and she had a big ass heart. What kind of nigga would want to fuck that up is beyond me. I was feeling her, and she felt like she fit more into my lifestyle than Kelsi did. I was in the limelight with all the things I did for the community.

  She was private enough to fit into the things I did behind the scenes. Ocean, Ms. Ocean is something special, and I intend on fitting her into my world somehow. She wasn’t the type to be a side chick, so I knew I wouldn’t get away with that.

  I wasn’t about to leave Kelsi just yet without knowing what Ocean was all about. She had a husband, and even if they weren’t together, I didn’t know what their history was and if there was a chance that she would go back. I had some shit to think about, but I was gone be spending time with her while I did.

  Three hours later and one hell of a conversation, the lights were coming on, and the club was closing. I wasn’t ready to leave her, and I had every intention of trying to get her to go to a hotel with me. I knew it wouldn’t be an easy task, but I was gone give it my all. Before I could run my game River rejoined us.

  “Oooccceaaaaannnnn.” River returned to our section drunk as hell.

  “Ummm River how in the fuck we getting home?” Ocean whined.

  “It’s my birthday bitch, I was supposed to get drunk.” River slurred.

  Ocean threw her hand over her mouth and giggled, and River followed suit. I looked back and forth between the two and decided that neither of them was driving.

  “Happy birffffdayyy bitccchhhhhh!” Ocean yelled, and they slapped hands and giggled again.

  “Ah hell come on, I’ll get y’all home.”

  “Um I don’t know you like that, you could be a rapist,” Ocean said looking around like she didn’t know where she was.

  “Ocean shut the hell up, you been up here with this man all night if he wanted to rape your ass you would have got, got.” River butted in. “Plus, he looks like he gotta big dick shit you might want him to rape ya ass it’s been what three months since you had some dick.”

  “River really?” Ocean fussed at her, and I laughed.

  “Damn shorty, I’ll help you out.” I went to high five her, and she rolled her eyes. “Seriously though come on I got y’all.”

  “Nah I’ll call an Uber, you know they be waiting outside the clubs on Friday nights.”

  “Ocean seriously, its three in the morning the last thing you need is an Uber. Come on I got you.”

  The warning look she gave me was cute, so I chuckled and led the way out of the club to my brand new Yukon Denali XL. I started the car when we hit the outside of the club and unlocked the doors. They got in and buckled up, I saw my brother’s car on the side of the building, and I went to look and make sure
he was straight.

  When I got up to the car the windows were foggy, I knocked and he took his hand and wiped the windows off to see who was knocking. When he saw it was me he rolled down the window.

  “Fuck girl hold up let me holla at my brother.” he growled. “What’s good?”

  “I thought you said you were out?”

  “Man that bitch had me doubting my manhood and shit.” he laughed and so did I. “I had to get my head right.” He looked down at the brown skinned beauty who was waiting for Sony to give her the go ahead to finish him off.

  “Nigga I’m gone, I’m taking River and Ocean home. Hit me up tomorrow, you now we got to go holla at Cherice.”

  “Yeah nigga I know, hopefully she ain’t on that bullshit and go ahead and sign them papers so we can get Young.”

  “Right, so don’t be late nigga.”

  He flipped me off and I headed back to my truck to get these ladies home safely.


  This man had me all giddy and shit like I’m some kind of school girl. Yes, I was drunk, but I was fully aware of what I was thinking and doing. Granted I may not have been as open as I was if I wasn’t drunk, but hey, everything happens for a reason. I was feeling this man and I didn’t want to.

  Things with Bryce and me were still a little shaky, and I didn’t want to open one door without the other being completely closed and locked. I wish I was just a carefree person that could just do what she wanted to do without regard to anything or anyone else. I just wasn’t built like that.

  As if reading my mind my sister spoke, “Ocean its okay to live on the edge as long as you don’t fall the fuck off. You always worrying, fuck that. You are young and almost single, let your hair down and fuck the shit out of that nigga before I forget you’re my sister and do it myself. I seen the way he was looking at me, he like em thhhhiiiicccckkkk!”

  “Shut the hell up River.” I laughed, but I was serious. I would talk so much shit to her if she stepped on my toes like that, but I knew she was playing. River wasn’t built like that. “I just don’t want to jump into anything with everything going on.”