I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla Page 3
“Fuck Bryce, I know you saw that nigga here with Bailey. I saw the little exchange, the only reason I didn’t come to the rescue was because you seemed like you were good. He don’t give a fuck about you why you worried about him and his feelings? Live yo life sis, live yo life.”
I glared at her through the rearview mirror, she had her head thrown back against the headrest. I knew she wasn’t sleep because we were just talking. River was wise beyond her years, she had been through some shit. Unlike myself who fell in love with the first man I met and had sex with.
That’s right, Bryce is the only man to have entered my body. I think that’s why it’s so hard for me to walk away. I cherished my vows, and I’d do anything for our marriage, and he just said fuck me. Maybe River was right. It may not be so bad to have some fun.
“So if I fuck him tonight, I won’t look like a hoe?”
“Bitch what you trying to say, I’ve had plenty of one night stands. Fuck em on the first night and never call them again.”
I nodded my head and sat back in the seat. She was right, I was always the reserved one, always the one worried about someone’s feelings or what they might think. It was time to live for me. I don’t know where the hell all of this is coming from, but I was just going with it tonight.
“So where to ladies?” Lucas asked sliding into the driver seat.
I rattled off my address, and he pulled out of the parking lot. For most of the ride, it was quiet everyone in their own thoughts, and it was starting to freak me out a little bit.
“I told you all about me, tell me something about you, Mr. Lucas.”
“Ain’t shit to tell, I got a degree in business, and I own a chain of barbershops around the Carolinas, Kraft Cuts.” I could see the corners of his mouth turning up as he talked about his business. “I just opened a salon, Kraft Cuts Salon, I’m 30 years old with no kids. My mom’s left us when we were little as hell, and my dad is the owner of the club we just left. You met my brother Sony, and we have a sister Cherice she has a son, Kameron. That’s all there is to Lucas Sharp.”
“So why don’t you have kids? You don’t want them?”
“Why you gone give me some?” he joked, and I smacked my lips. “I was in a relationship, and the chick didn’t want kids unless she was married and I didn’t know if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her or not.” He shrugged, but that wasn’t the whole story I could feel it.
“So, in that case, you aren’t ready.” I giggled. “Turn here,” I said and then tuned back into the conversation at hand. “Why did y’all break up?” I asked, and he got quiet, red flag! “Y’all still together?” again nothing. “Wow!”
I gave him a few more directions before we were pulling up the house that I lived in. It wasn’t a huge house, but it was big enough for a small family. Four bedrooms, four baths with a two car garage, I loved this house which was why I stayed and made Bryce find somewhere else to live. Plus, the house was in my name because he was up to his head in student loans when I bought it and his credit wasn’t up to par. Good for me.
“Thank God, y’all were getting on my damn nerves. Couldn’t even take a damn nap!” River fussed as she climbed out of the back of the truck.
“You need my key?” I asked her, and she held up her keys and shook them. Bryce hated the fact that River had keys but I didn’t care, she was my sister. “I’ll be in in a minute.”
“No you won’t and if you do you better not come in alone! Stop over thinking shit and go with the flow!” With that, she disappeared into the house and slammed the door.
“I think you should listen to your sister,” Lucas said from the passenger door.
“I think you should go home to your girlfriend.” I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled.
“If I was worried about her I wouldn’t be here with you.”
“So you do have a girlfriend?” The disappointment in my voice was involuntary, he had already detected it so I couldn’t cover it up. “Not that it matters because it wasn’t going to be anything anyway.”
“We both know that ain’t true, you were feeling me just as much as I’m feeling you.”
“Yeah but I’ve been on the receiving end of the cheating stick, and it don’t feel good.” I turned to look at him, and he dropped his head and sighed. “I never want to make another woman feel the way that I felt.”
My words were genuine, I just hoped I would be able to make my actions back them up. Just being this close to this man had me second guessing my willpower and that was dangerous. It was like I had this itch for the wild side that I wanted to scratch even if it was just for a night.
I just didn’t know if it was because of what River said, or if it was me trying to get back at Bryce for his infidelities, or was I just that attracted to this man. I glanced at him, and his eyes were trained on me. I felt naked under his gaze, but I couldn’t turn away no matter how hard I tried.
He began to inch his face towards mine. I knew what he was doing, and I knew that I should stop him but I didn’t want to. Even after hearing him admit he had a girlfriend I couldn’t turn away. I leaned in to meet him, and he stopped.
“This is different!” he said against my lips.
“How is this different?” I returned the gesture.
He sighed heavily and sat back in his seat. “She’s not who I thought she was. Remember me telling you about my sister Cherice?” I nodded my head, and he nodded his then continued to speak. “Well she got caught up, and she went to jail a couple weeks ago. I hadn’t spoken to my sister in almost a year because we refused to accept her bitch ass boyfriend which she ended up putting a bullet in. Anyway, she had a son Young, and he’s in the system. I’m trying to get custody of him, but she doesn’t want me to.”
“Why the hell not that’s your family?” The smirk that formed on his face was charming and sexy as hell. “If she’s with you then she should want to be there for your family.” I fussed.
“My thoughts exactly but her thought process is completely different. She said that it’s not her responsibility to take care of another woman’s child. Said she wasn’t about to stop her life for anyone.”
“She sounds selfish as fuck.” I was heated.
“That she is, the only thing is she was all for it at first we even came up with a plan to make shit work, but the minute she talked to her mom and sister everything changed.” He shook his head. “So when I say it’s different, I mean that there will never be anything there and I got one foot out the door.”
“Yeah but this is messy, I just don’t think—” I was cut off by him crashing his lips against mine, and I didn’t stop him. I wanted to, and I should have, but I didn’t. I relished in the moment.
“Go with the flow.” He whispered, and I nodded my head.
I don’t know why I was letting this complete stranger with a girlfriend lead me into a world of temptation, but I wanted to see how it felt and he was the perfect person to experiment with.
He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss and I got bold and inserted my tongue into his mouth, and he accepted hungrily. The kiss got so passionate I felt like I lost myself in the moment. He lifted me over the middle console and placed me into his lap. Thank God these things were roomy because we’d have a problem if not.
“This feels right.” He said grabbing the side of my face pulling me back to look into my eyes. “I don’t know why but the shit feels fucking right!”
I didn’t say anything I just attacked his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. Unintentionally I began to grind into his lap, and I felt his manhood grow underneath me. I knew I was in trouble but for once in my life, I didn’t care, and I welcomed the consequences.
“Let’s go inside.” I bit my bottom lip, and he nodded.
“I’m following you.”
Opening the door, I climbed off of his lap and pulled my dress down. He reached over to the other side of the seat and grabbed my things and then he grabbed something out of th
is middle console. When he stepped out of the car, I saw it was a gun. My eyes stretched as wide as they would go.
“Chill baby, just for protection. I saw what went down between you and your ex I ain’t trying to get caught slipping. The safety’s on, you’re good.” Was all he said before he placed his hand on the small of my back and nudged me forward. I didn’t know how I felt about having a gun in my house, but I understood where he was coming from. Oddly enough I trusted him in a sense.
Opening the door, I lead us straight to the stairs that led to the bedroom. I heard him shut and lock the door behind us. When I got to the bedroom, I started to freak out a little bit, and doubt started to settle in. Get your shit together Ocean, you’re a grown ass woman, and you’re just having fun. I gave myself a little internal pep talk.
“You good?” He grabbed my waist and turned me to him, and everything that I was just feeling was gone that quick. That was dangerous, and I knew right then that this man had the potential to ruin my life, just off the strength that I’m moved by his touch alone.
“Yeah, make yourself comfortable, I’m gonna go freshen up.” I gave him a small smile and headed for the bathroom. I shut the door and threw myself against it. “Bitch, are you really about to do this?” I spoke to myself in a hushed tone.
I didn’t realize that I had my phone until it vibrated in my hand, I looked at the message and couldn’t help but laugh. River was a fucking idiot, but she always knew what to say at the right time.
Baby Sis: You better fuck the shit out of him… I mean I want to hear his ass, and if you don’t I’m disowning you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fold his ass up!
Knock! Knock! I jumped at the sound of Lucas knocking on the door. I turned around and opened the door slightly. He had a confused look on his handsome face, licking his lips he spoke, “Is everything aight? You in here talking to yaself or some shit?” the worried look on his face caused me to laugh again.
“Yes, I’m fine. River texted me.” I held up my phone, and he shook his head.
“Ion even wanna know.” He pushed his way into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I looked at him like he was crazy, but he didn’t pay me any mind. He turned towards me and slowly began to undress.
Grabbing the helm of his shirt he lifted it over his head giving me a full view of his perfectly defined abs and the tattoos that adorned his medium brown skin tone. Each one faultlessly placed. The sight was amazing, and I was damn near drooling at the sight.
My eyes had a mind of their own as they followed his every move. They lingered around the perfectly shaped V leading to what I would soon find to be the prettiest piece of wood I had ever laid my eyes on.
Inch by inch he removed the stonewashed jeans he was wearing, revealing the magical monster that I was eager to get my hands on. My mouth watered at its revelation. I opened my mouth and then closed it again.
“It feels better than it looks.” My eyes left his piece and found his eyes again, and I narrowed mine. “What?” he asked with a sexy ass smirk on his face, and I just shook my head.
He walked his sexy nakedness over to where I was standing and began to undress me. I shook slightly under his touch. When he had my dress off, he took in my breasts, and he smiled. Taking his thumb and sweeping it across my nipple.
“Umm.” Escaped my lips and he took that as a green light. He covered my breast with his mouth and sucked lightly. Circling his tongue around my areola felt amazing. I don’t think I have ever felt this good from someone sucking my breast. This man was trouble.
“Damn,” he said as he stepped back. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
Before I could respond, he crashed his lips against mine, and things got hot and heavy really quick. Our hands explored one another’s bodies; it was like I wasn’t myself at the moment. I had never been this passionate with my husband, but here I was trying to tear the skin off of this stranger to get to the best part.
Turning around and turning off the shower, he picked me up and carried me to the room. He laid me on the bed and just stared down at me. His gaze was so intense, it made me uncomfortable.
“Ssssssss.” I hissed when his thumb found my clit and started to move in a circular motion.
“Got damn you wet as fuck.”
He removed his thumb and placed his dick at my opening and began to inch his way in. The only man I had ever been with was my husband, and he wasn’t as well-endowed as Lucas, so he had to work his way in me. When he finally broke through my barrier he stopped.
“What’s wrong?” I asked alarmed.
“I wasn’t ready for this shit, got damn girl!” I giggled, and he leaned down so that he was hovering over me. He couldn’t look at me so I guess he was trying to think of something else so he wouldn’t cum prematurely, Bryce did that often. “A nigga in love with the pussy.”
He pushed in as deep as he could go, I had to gasp because he touched something that I wasn’t prepared for, I felt my body tense up and slightly shiver. Pulling out he rammed back into me again.
“Oh, God!” I called out.
Finding a steady pace, he began to work himself in and out of me, applying just the right amount of pressure to my spot. I could feel my orgasm building, but I tried my best to hold it back because I didn’t want to seem like I was a rookie at this, even if I was.
“This don’t make no fucking sense.” He panted as he moved in and out of me. He bit his lip before he leaned down and explored my mouth with his tongue. “Pussy so good you gotta make love to it.”
“God this feels good.” I could hear what he was saying but I was in my own little world of bliss, and I wasn’t about to come out of it if I could help it. “Shit right there.”
“Right here?” he moved his hips deliberately hitting the same spot over and over again. “Umm yep right there.” He taunted as he assaulted my spot causing a feeling to start in my toes and work its way up. He was about to take me there, and I was ready and willing. “Stop holding back.
Speeding up his strokes he lifted up and pressed his hands against my thighs to give him better access, and that was all that it took.
“Oh shit, I’m coming.” I squeezed my eyes tight and released all of the pain, hurt, pleasure, lust, every emotion that I felt in that moment. My body submitted to it and I was in ecstasy. “Oh my fucking God!”
“Even your cum faces are sexy.” He said slowly moving in and out of me.
“What?” not really sure what he said, I was still coming down off my high, and he was talking.
He laughed and leaned down and kissed my lips. “Turn yo sexy ass over.”
I gave him a sly smile, he slowly pulled out of me, and we both held our breath. Turning over and arching my back like I had seen on the videos. Bryce rarely liked hitting it from the back, he was a lazy lover, so he preferred me on top. So the fact that Lucas was putting in all the work had me on cloud nine.
I felt Lucas come up behind me, so I made my ass clap like they taught us in the pole dancing class that I did with River a couple of weeks ago. He slapped my ass and spread my cheeks, guiding his pole into my palace.
I threw my ass at him the best I could while he totally beasted my pussy. This was the best sex that I had ever had. Two hours later we were both sprawled out on the bed just looking up at the ceiling.
“Thank you,” I said barely above a whisper.
“Thank me for what?” he rolled over on his side to where his nose was touching my cheek. I giggled and turned to face him.
“For this, tonight.” He leaned up and kissed me. “You should be proud of yourself,” I smirked.
“I stay proud of myself, a nigga never disappoints.” He chuckled, and I pushed him back on his back.
“You make me sick, it wasn’t all that.” I waved him off. “But seriously, you should be proud. You’re only the second man to enter my goodness.” I bit my bottom lip, and he looked at me like he didn’t believe me. “I’ve only been with my husband.”
“Wow.” He put his hand on his ch
est, “I’m honored, and if I got anything to do with it I’ll be the only one entering all that goodness from now on.” He was serious I could tell by his tone, but he failed to realize that he was taken.
“There is only one problem with that.” I sat up on the bed. “You’re taken.”
He pulled me back down on the bed then positioned me back up against him and wrapped his arms around me. His arms felt like home but as bad as I wanted to welcome it I knew that after he left my door, I wouldn’t see him again.
Reality set in, he had a girlfriend, and technically I was still married.
Kelsi had been blowing my phone up. I turned it on silent after I told Sony where I was going. I didn’t have a reason to have it on so I silenced it and slid it in my pocket where it stayed until I got in the car to leave Ocean’s house.
Last night was a night to remember, I was feeling her even though I had just met her she had done shit to a nigga that Kelsi never accomplished. She was taking me to places that nigga like me ran from and all in one night. Maybe it was just the pussy, yeah I’ll say it was just the pussy.
I hoped like hell she didn’t think that I was agreeing to that not seeing each other bullshit because I had every intention on coming to visit her ass later tonight. I needed to be in her presence and in her bed.
Pulling up at home I instantly regretted coming here, I should have went with my first mind and went to my brother’s house. I kept clothes there for when I had my run-ins with these miserable bitches.
“Fuck it!” I said getting out of the car. Right when I got to the door my phone chimed letting me know I had a message, I looked down at it, and it was Sony. Before I could check the message, my phone was snatched out of my hand. “What the fuck!” I yelled as I looked into the eyes of my arch nemesis, Charlotte, Kelsi’s mother.
“How dare you stay out all night and not call my daughter. You know she sat here all night worried about you? What kind of man does that?”
I looked at her like she was fucking crazy, I was talking myself out of punching her in the fucking face. I was taught to respect my elders, but this bitch was out of hand, and I was two seconds from letting her feel why they call me Kraft.