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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 4 Page 5
He Brings Out The Hood In Me 4 Read online
Page 5
“You’re fucking perfect, you know that.” He attacked her lips again and she had to pull back.
“I’m not perfect, no one is. We’ve all had our shit, it’s all about how you grow out of it.” She looked deep into his eyes, she wanted him to hear her because her past wasn’t a pretty one. She didn’t want him putting her on a pedestal only to knock her down when he finds out she’s not as perfect as he thought she was.
“But you’re perfect for me.” He kissed her again. Long and deep before he let her go and went back into the living room so she could finish cooking. When he sat down, he closed his eyes and smiled. Key was his person, his one.
Cassidy tried to turn over, but something was stopping him, he held his arms over his head and stretched only to be stopped again. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around not knowing where he was. Jumping up, his eyes scanned the room and that’s when he realized that he was still at Key’s house.
He had fallen asleep on the couch by the time that Key had finished cooking and he was sleeping so peaceful she didn’t have the heart to wake him. So she helped him lay down and went to get her a few hours of sleep herself. Kane had left with Vinny to go shoot ball and she welcomed the break.
Getting up, Cassidy walked to the kitchen to see that she had fixed his plate and left it on the table. He smiled at the gesture and it made him even more sure of his choice to pursue things with her. Throwing the plate in the microwave, he made his way through the rest of the house in search of his lady.
“Damn.” Slipped from Cassidy’s lips as he stood in the doorway and watched as Key slept. She had one leg straight and the other was bent and pushed up towards her torso. The covers were sprawled across the top of her body, but the bottom half was bare. Dragging his tongue across his bottom lip, he eased the door shut and locked it, careful not to wake her up.
Pulling his shirt over his head he leaned down so that his face was aligned with her pussy. Grabbing her ass cheek he lifted it up to give him better access to her. The soft smell of Dove Purely Pampering soap hit his nose and caused him to lick his lips before he drug his tongue from her clit to her opening and then he took a dip in.
“Ummmm.” Key thought she was dreaming that Cassidy was giving her head. She tooted her ass up in the air and allowed her mind to take her on a ride, but little did she know it wasn’t a dream, it was very much her reality.
“That’s it baby girl, toot that thang up for daddy.” Cassidy dove head first and latched on to her clit causing her eyes to pop open. Looking over her shoulder, she tried to move from his grasp, but he had already had a taste and he was addicted to the taste of her. “Where you going?” Cassidy realized that she was woke and threw her leg over so that she was on her back and her pussy was in his face. “You didn’t wake me up for breakfast, so a nigga hungry as fuck.”
“You were sleeping so… oh God.” She couldn’t even get her words out because he was devouring her like she was his favorite meal. It had been a while since someone had ate her out like this and she wanted to feel all of it, which was why she pushed her legs all the way back, as far as they could go. “What are you doing to me?” she moaned as his thick tongue assaulted her clit.
The way he feasted on her took Key to a different level sexually, her body had never felt that high from a man’s touch. It was like he was reading her mind, if she thought he needed to move over a little he was there before the thought even got all the way across her mind.
Cassidy didn’t read her mind; he just studied her body. If her hips moved slightly to the left, he knew that he needed to move to the left to give her the feeling that she was longing for. If she force-fed him her pussy then he wasn’t sucking hard enough, and if she pulled back, he needed to ease up some. Key had never had a man that was so in tune with her body.
“Ssss shit Cas, that feels so good,” she moaned as she arched her back, threw her head back and grabbed the sheets and balled them up in her hands.
Cassidy’s fingers melted into her meaty ass as he pulled her to him, “Stop running, it’s only gone make it worse.” He taunted, the warmth of his breath and his lips moving against her clit had her on the verge of coming and he knew it. “What’s wrong baby?”
“St—Stop teasing me fuck!” She said breathless.
“Or what?” That was it, her leg began to lightly shake as she felt the flutters in the pit of her gut. Cassidy took that as the green light to go in on her. He covered her pussy with his mouth and sucked and slurped until she locked her legs around his head and brought him into her. That didn’t stop or slow him down as he latched on her clit and softly nibbled.
“Oh my God, yes baby yes!” She moaned out loudly. “Shit Cas, shit!” She couldn’t formulate a complete sentence if she tried. “Oh God, oh God, I’m coming.” She squeezed her eyes shut as she released everything that she had pent up into his mouth and he didn’t leave a drop.
“Damn you taste good.” He said against her pussy sending a chill down her spine. Unable to contain himself any more. Cassidy freed himself from his pants and stood up over the bed. Looking down at her, he wiped his goatee off with the back of his hands. “You good?”
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. Her legs felt like spaghetti noodles and her body was twitching and she had no control over it. Cassidy chuckled at his handy work.
“Well you need to figure it out because what I’m about to do next is gonna elevate you even more.” He hovered over her and kissed her lips; she pulled his bottom one into her mouth and lightly sucked tasting herself.
“Ummmm,” she moaned.
“Let me find out you my little freak.” She smiled and pulled him into her and invaded his mouth with her tongue.
His dick had a mind of its own as it poked away until it found the moistness, sliding in they took in a deep breath and held it as he moved slowly in and out of her until he fully fit. Key was tight, wet and warm just like he liked it.
“Oh sssssss.” She hissed as he moved his body in a circular motion stretching her out just a little. “Damn.” Biting down on her bottom lip, Key looked up at Cassidy who was doing the same thing trying not to let loose inside her.
“Yo pussy is lit,” he said seriously. “Ummm got damn.” He pulled out and then eased back in grinding into her. “I’m trying not to go in on this shit but it’s hard.” He was talking more to himself, he wanted to take his time before he beat it up but the way she wrapped around him was making it that much harder.
“Maybe that’s the way I like it.” Key taunted and Cassy nodded his head placing her knees by her ears and leaning over her in the push up position while he moved in and out of her at an even pace. “Oh ummm oh.” She moaned over and over until they both exploded together. Trying to catch their breath, Cassidy rolled over onto his back. Key straightened her legs out and turned her head to look at Cassidy who was staring at the ceiling. “You do know that dick is mine, right?”
Cassidy turned his head to see if she was joking and there wasn’t a hint of humor in her face and he didn’t feel any. She was serious and she wanted him to know it. Cassidy chuckled and nodded his head.
“I think I can give you that.” He laid back down and looked up in the ceiling. “I just need one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Honesty, I hate surprises, so I need you to keep it real with me at all times. Even if you think it’s insignificant.”
“I think I can do that.” She leaned over and placed her head on his chest. “When are you going back to the hospital?”
“I don’t know, I gotta meet my brothers in a few. I was supposed to been up and moving but I was tired as fuck.” Cassidy glanced down at her and couldn’t deny the feeling of peace and completeness.
“So you gotta few minutes to spare?” She raised her brows.
“Yeah what’s up?” She smirked and bit into her bottom lip as she slid down his torso until her mouth was over his dick.
“I just wanted to tell you a
little something-something,” she whispered into his dick causing it to jump. Twirling her tongue around his head and then swallowed him whole. Cassidy gasped and lifted his head up to watch her take all of him and pull it out and then stick it all the way back in not forgetting to suck in on the way out. Cassidy shook his head; she was exactly what he needed.
Never Again
Kahleno watched as AD paced the floor of his living room. He had showed up at his house a few minutes after he had gotten off the phone with Cassidy. His whole aura was off, and he couldn’t tell if it was because his mother was in the hospital or it was because of something else. As bad as he wanted to pry, he knew that he couldn’t because it would just push him away.
“Baby.” Icelynn’s soft voice entered the room before she did, and it instantly stopped AD where he stood. Just her presence brought so much peace in his life and he welcomed it. Turning to her, he moved in her direction swiftly.
“How’s baby girl?” Was the first words out of his mouth.
“She’s good, I just got her to sleep good enough for me to come check on you.” The weary look in her eyes had Kahleno on edge and when Sutton walked in with tears in her eyes, he knew something else was up. “Thank you so much Kahleno for letting us crash here for a little.”
“No thanks needed.” He shot quickly at Icelynn before he turned to his brother. “The fuck going on? I tried to chill but I don’t like this.” Kahleno stated honestly. “Holla at me bruh.”
AD looked at Icelynn who immediately got teary eyed, when Sutton made her way to her friend and the two began crying together. AD’s hands shook with anticipation of ending Salem and Dimples lives, but he couldn’t do anything until he knew his girls were safe.
“Bro ride with me.” AD said and Icelynn looked up from Sutton’s shoulder.
“No I’m going.” She said with eagerness in her tone.
AD knew that this was going to be a fight, but he couldn’t let her subject her mental to something like that. Killing Salem, no matter how dirty he did her, would scar her for life and selfishly, he didn’t want that. He wanted to ensure that their life was smooth and filled with happiness from this day forward.
“Come here baby.” He reached for her and she went to him. Enclosing her in his arms, he inhaled deeply as he took in the essence of her. Everything that she was, he wanted to experience, and he knew that if he allowed her to even be in the same room, he would lose out on that opportunity.
“Adoreé you can’t take this from me,” she cried into his chest.
“Baby I know what he did to you, to Isis but this ain’t you. Something like this has the potential to taint the person you are, and a nigga can’t have that. I need you in a way I’ve never needed anybody. Your mind, body and soul. You weren’t built for this kind of shit and I’m not trying to lose you up here,” he lightly tapped her head, “just because you wanted revenge. That’s what I’m here for. I promise you that nigga will never hurt you again and I put that on my life.” He ran his hands through her hair causing her eyes to close and take in the words that he was saying. “I need you to trust me,” he said when his eyes were on hers again.
“Okay,” she said barely above a whisper.
Even though she wanted to fight what he said he was right. The rage flowing through her may have gotten her there, but she wasn’t vicious enough of a person to actually pull the trigger. She would have beat the hell out of him but to actually kill him, she didn’t know if she could. Then again, the thoughts of what he could have been doing to her daughter may have drove her there, but would she be able to live with that decision. For that reason alone, she was going to listen to her man and let him handle it.
“Thank you for trusting me.” AD kissed her on the forehead and looked at Kahleno who was still looking back and forth trying to figure out what was going on. “If baby girl wake up before I get back, call me aight?”
“Okay.” Icelynn leaned up and kissed his lips before taking a seat on the couch where she was joined by Sutton.
“You riding bro?” AD asked and Kahleno didn’t say anything, he just leaned down and kissed Suttons lips and told her he would be right back. She nodded her head with tears still in her eyes at what Icelynn had just told her. She couldn’t believe that they had went through that on top of what happened to Siya.
The two brothers left, the car ride to where they were going was silent for the most part. Kahleno’s patience was wearing very thin. He could feel his brother’s energy and it was off, he was on alert, but he didn’t know why and that bothered him.
“You gone tell me what’s up or am I busting blind?” Kahleno said looking straight out the window. He was trying his best to give his brother the benefit of the doubt, but he was making it hard.
“The nigga I was shooting at last night was Icelynn’s ex.” AD glanced at his brother and then back at the road. Kahleno didn’t say anything he just waited for him to continue, there had to be more for them to act like that. “When we left the restaurant, we went back to her house to check on Isis, but he had snatched her from the house.” Kahleno’s head snapped to AD.
“Say what now?”
“Yeah, Icelynn went crazy. He fucked the babysitter up and threw her in the laundry room. Him and Dimples’ dumb ass.”
“The stripper you were banging from Onyx?” AD nodded his head. “What the fuck you do? You kill that bitch in public? Please don’t tell me you did no bullshit like that?”
Kahleno knew that AD was a hot head and if he was mad, there wasn’t much that he would care about other than taking that anger out on someone. Something as serious as a kid getting taken, that would definitely send him over the edge.
“Nah, but that bitch told him where Icelynn lived and then had the nerve to show up at the restaurant with him smiling and shit. Then the dumb bitch didn’t have the smarts to get out of town. She went back to her job like she didn’t know who the fuck I was.”
“Stupid bitch,” Kahleno gritted.
“Icelynn beat the hell out of her and we made her tell us where that nigga was, and he was at her crib.” AD shook his head. “When we get there, Isis runs out of the room screaming with her little night gown raised up.”
“The fuck? That’s his fucking daughter.”
“He ain’t shit but food for Cassidy’s fat ass hogs,” AD growled. Isis was his baby and there wasn’t anyone that could tell him any different.
“You know what the fuck I mean nigga, calm yo hostile ass down.”
“We keep asking her if he touched her and she keeps saying no but he tried. She said she fought him off. The way she’s acting, won’t let me out of her sight, is telling me that something did happen, and she just don’t want us to know.”
“Yeah y’all may need to take her to see someone. Shit like that can really fuck up a kid’s mental and you don’t want her carrying that shit around,” Kahleno said.
AD remained quiet because he knew the lengths that carrying something like that around takes you. He was still battling with those same demons and he didn’t want that for Isis. Thankful for Icelynn, he had made an appointment to see Dr. Reems within the next week, but he was thinking that they needed to make it a family thing since Isis had been through this.
“I wanted to kill that nigga so fucking bad.” Kahleno didn’t miss the change in conversation but he decided not to speak on it. “If Isis wasn’t right there on my hip I would have. I couldn’t let her see that side of me, I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if my baby girl was scared of me.”
“Yeah you did the right thing.” Kahleno nodded. “So where that nigga at?”
“That’s where we about to go. I told clean up and Spiff to bring that nigga to his warehouse since the farm house was surrounded.”
“Fuck! We gotta head over there when we leave here. I called Cassidy’s bitch ass before we left the house and he didn’t answer. I guess he’ll meet us there and I’ll have to fill him in.” AD nodded his head as he pulled into the warehouse
and parked around back.
Walking in all you could smell was piss and weed. Walking in Spiff was sitting at the table looking like he could fall asleep at any minute, but it didn’t stop him from smoking blunts to the face.
“Where that bitch at?” AD’s voiced boomed causing a beat-up Salem to look his way. He was hanging from the ceiling by a metal chain. Spiff had that installed the first time one of the guys came up short with their money.
“She wouldn’t shut the fuck up, so I put her ass in the freezer.” He ashed the blunt that was hanging from the corner of his mouth and pointed to the back of the warehouse and AD laughed for the first time.
“Nigga the bitch probably froze to death before I could put a bullet up her rotten ass pussy and blow that shit away.”
“Damn nigga, that’s some shit that I wanted to see, too. Let me go get her. I ain’t never seen no shit like that before.” Spiff said moving towards the back of the warehouse and Kahleno shook his head at AD and Spiff. He walked over to Salem and stared at him for a second.
He couldn’t understand how a man would want to hurt a child, his child. That was enough to piss him off, so he cocked back and slammed his fist into the side of Salem’s jaw so hard it spun him around on the chain a few times before he came back face to face with him.
“You should have stayed your bitch ass in Chicago.” AD’s tone was evil, and he didn’t try and hide it.
He was having a hard time controlling himself, but it wasn’t working because the minute Salem’s bloody smile spread across his face AD lost it. He walked over to where he was and started giving him chest shots.
AD was hitting him over and over in the same spot until he heard a bone crack and it was only then that he moved on to another spot doing the same thing. Blood quickly filled Salem’s lungs making it difficult for him to breathe, one of his ribs had punctured it.