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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 4 Page 7
He Brings Out The Hood In Me 4 Read online
Page 7
“The bitch sounds crazy if you ask me,” Kahleno said and then looked over at AD. Even though they planned to kill her, she was still the person who brought AD into this world and they didn’t want to be insensitive to that situation, but it was hard seeing where his mother lay.
“Fuck you looking at me for? I can’t wait to put a bullet in her brain.” AD shrugged, he tried to feel conflicted with how he wanted to handle Ziva, but it never came. The only emotion that he felt was that of anger and guilt for even letting her get into his head enough to doubt the love Siya had for him. Shit was still hard to process but he was getting there.
“I—I am your mother,” Siya struggled to get out and all four men rushed to her bed. Tears stung Mega’s eyes as he said a quick thank you to the man above for answering his prayers. “AD.”
“Stop trying to talk ma, I’m right here.” AD leaned around Cassidy so that she could see him. When she reached for him, Cassidy stepped back and let him around.
“Chill Siya let me go get the nurse.” The look that she gave Mega, stopped him in his tracks. She was going to tell him what she needed to tell him, and she didn’t care what anyone had to say about it.
“I—” she started coughing, Kahleno reached for the water pitcher that was beside the bed, but she waved him off. “No!” she took a few deep breaths and cleared her throat. Coughing was painful and every time she tried to talk it caused her to cough, but she didn’t care. Once she finished saying what she had to say then they could all go about their business. “Ziva she—”
“Will be dead by the time you get out of here,” Mega interrupted.
“No!” she yelled wanting all of them to just shut up and let her say what she needed to say. “She stole my embryos from the Cryolab.” Confusion filled all of their faces, so she continued. “She paid the doctor to implant them into her, AD you came from me, I just didn’t carry you. I am your mother.” Tears gathered at the brim of her eyes before they spilled over onto her face.
Mega could feel the anger that’d been bellowing in his belly rise to the surface as he turned and walked towards the window that was on the far side of the room. This woman was playing with his life, with his family’s life and she was going to pay.
“So all of this shit was for nothing.” Mega gritted his teeth. “We created AD and she paid someone to—” he couldn’t shape his lips to say something so deranged. “What the fuck!” he yelled.
“She loves you that much Mega, she wants a life with you,” Siya said in a defeated tone. Mega turned to her, he could feel her trying to give up on them in her voice, but he wouldn’t have it. He would take his own life at her feet before he lived without her. He loved her that much.
“But she’ll die by my hands before she ever gets it!” Siya said putting him out of his misery. Everything that she had been through was for this family and she’d be damned if she lay down and let anyone take that from her. “I’m tired of playing with this bitch. She almost made me lose the most important thing to me, the respect of my boys. Make her pay for that Mega or you have to answer to me.” She hit her chest right before she went into a fit of coughing.
Mega’s chest got tight just thinking about the anguish that his actions put his family through. This was the exact reason why he taught his sons to find a good woman and make it work with her. A woman scorned was a headache.
Nurses flooded the room and asked the men to leave. They assured them that she would be okay, but she needed to rest to get better. Mega let Siya know that he was gone be right outside.
“Your O2 is dropping, I need you to stop talking Mrs. Maler.” The nurse tried to warn but Siya had something else to say.
“Tell Sutton to do that hair show or,” Siya coughed a little more while the nurses tried to urge her to stop but she ignored them. “I heard h—her. She needs to go or I’m k—kicking her ass.” Siya coughed more as the nurses shoed them out of the room.
They all stood on the outside of the door looking in while they worked on Siya. AD’s chest was so tight that he felt like he was about to pass out. He didn’t know how much his heart could take before it gave out on him.
“Son!” Mega grabbed his shoulder when he saw him grab his chest. “You need to see a doctor.”
“Nah I’m good, I just—” he shook his head.
“I know son, it’s like shit just won’t stop. I promise you that I’m gonna take care of it. I’m sorry that I even put any of you in this position. I should have killed her way back when.” Mega knew that Ziva was gone be a problem back when Marlin promised she wouldn’t.
“This shit is just too got damn much. I just need it to be over.” AD was more confused than ever about who he was.
“My blood is running through you; your mother’s blood is running through you. That shit Ziva was talking about was irrelevant. I can’t even be mad at her for that shit because she did us a favor.” Mega slid his hands in his pockets and leaned his back against the wall. “After Kahleno we had trouble conceiving. Your mother and I wanted a house full of kids and it depressed her that we couldn’t. So we went to a doctor that helps you get pregnant. They took my sperm and her eggs and made little embryos. They take the embryos and put them inside the woman and the woman grows the baby. Simply put.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“So I was a got damn science experiment?” AD stared at his father, no one said anything. He wasn’t upset with his parents; he was more so upset with the situation. It was like, right when he got comfortable with one situation another came and knocked him back down and he didn’t know how much he could take.
“You are our son, always have been.” Mega sighed as he took a step towards his son. “This shit is a mess and I won’t pretend that it’s not, but I also won’t pretend that I’m not happy it worked out like it did. Ziva is a woman that you don’t want to be attached to, trust me.” Pulling his son in for a hug he sighed. “We are a family; we are the Maler family.”
AD’s body was stiff as a board as confusion swam around his mind. One part of him felt a sense of relief knowing that Siya was really his mother by blood but it still bothered him that all of this was going on in the first place.
“I’m good pop.” AD finally returned the embrace and the two men patted each other on the back. AD looked up and right into the eyes of Siya, she was watching the men the whole time the doctors worked on her. She prayed that the news of her being his biological mother eased the tension within the family. When AD offered up a small smile that put Siya’s mind and heart at ease and she finally laid back and let them do whatever they needed to do with her.
“I feel ya, I’m here for whatever and everything will work out.” Mega slipped his hands in his pockets and turned towards the door and watched as they got Siya back comfortable in the bed.
“No it won’t not until that bitch is in the ground,” AD said to his father’s back. Mega turned around with the deepest scowl and nodded his head.
“Indeed son.” Then he turned and watched his wife as he thought about everything that he wanted to do to Ziva.
“I feel so bad even being here with Siya in the hospital and I feel even worse that you’re here with me.” Sutton wined as she rubbed her stomach that was barely there. She was safely out of the first trimester and entering her fourteenth week of pregnancy with ease and the two of them couldn’t be happier.
Stress seemed to surround them, and Sutton tried her best not to let things get her worked up, but it was hard. Especially when the people you love the most were getting hurt. She knew that stress wasn’t good for the baby and for that reason she went the extra mile to remain calm.
“Well ma said if you didn’t do it, she was gone kick yo ass so it’s up to you.” That sexy smirk that Sutton had grown to love so much spread across Kahleno’s handsome chocolate face as he shrugged his shoulders. “So you can go out there and show them why you’re the best at what you do or take that shit up with Siya Maler.”<
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“I just love that lady.” Sutton smiled with tears in her eyes. The thought of losing Siya pained her more than she led on. Siya had become a mother figure in her life, something that she needed more than ever right now. She needed guidance going into this next chapter in her life and Siya was always there for her. “How is she? I need to get over there tomorrow.”
“She’s okay, they had to up her oxygen because her little hardheaded ass won’t shut the fuck up.” Kahleno shook his head because even with the coughing spells, she was still in there trying to talk until Mega gave them permission to give her something to relax. Siya hated that and cursed him out until she finally passed out.
“You know I’m telling her you said that, right?” Sutton gave him the side eyes and again Kahleno smirked. He eased up behind her and allowed his semi hard dick to rest on her ass as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her collar bone causing her to moan out unintentionally.
“And if you do, I swear to make you pay for it,” he whispered in her ear and she bit down on her bottom lip as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her mind drifted back to the love making session that they had before they got there.
“Well in that case let me make a phone call.” She winked at him over her shoulder and then forced herself to pull away from him. She felt the most comfortable in his arms and she hardly ever wanted to leave the sanctity of them.
When she tried to walk off, he pulled her back to him and he pressed his lips against hers. Kahleno’s tongue invaded her mouth and they explored each other. Butterflies settled in the pit of Sutton’s stomach as her hard nipples poked him in the chest. This pregnancy had her horny to the point she could barely control it.
“Fuck!” Kahleno pulled away from the love of his life and adjusted himself. He was mad that they had gotten something started and they were unable to finish. “Oh you taking care of this when we get home so save some got damn energy.”
Sutton could hear the frustration in his voice, she giggled and leaned up and pecked him on the lips again. She winked at him letting him know that she had him. Satisfied with her gesture he headed to the back to look for his brothers and his son.
“Hey, tell the kids I’ll be back there in a minute to get them situated for the show.” Sutton yelled to Kahleno’s back. He nodded his head letting her know that he heard her and kept moving towards the back.
Piper sat off to the side and watched the exchange between Sutton and Kahleno. She was truly happy that Sutton had gotten out of the dead-end relationship with Trouble and found her a real man. She didn’t think she’s ever seen Sutton this happy and honestly it looked good on her.
The love between Sutton and Kahleno was so real, and it showed all over Sutton. Piper wished that they could share their happiness together but the strain on their friendship wouldn’t allow that. Piper didn’t understand why they were still at odds with each other if she wasn’t even with Trouble anymore. She hoped that now that she was happy maybe she would be more open to having a civil conversation.
“Girl I know you better not go over there,” Sunny said noticing that Piper was looking in the direction of Sutton by the DJ booth. She knew that if Sutton and Piper got together that there was a chance for her to spill the beans on her and Saque’s friendship. “She’s played you on more than one occasion and at this point you look kind of desperate.” She turned her nose up at Piper who sighed heavily.
Sunny rubbed her stomach and glared in the direction of Sutton. Hate burned within her when her man walked back out and asked her if she was okay and handed her a bottle of water. Why couldn’t she find someone to treat her like that? She thought she had that with Trouble, but he showed her on more than one occasion that that was not the case.
Speaking of Trouble no one had seen nor heard from him lately. Even Sunny had been calling and looking around for him. Sunny thought that it was strange that no one had seen or heard from him. Even though she was on her mission to find her next sponsor for her and her kids, she didn’t want anything bad to happen to Trouble but she felt like it already had. He had a serious gambling problem and she knew that it was only a matter of time before it caught up to him.
“It’s not desperate, I just miss my friend,” Piper admitted.
“Damn so what the fuck am I? Chopped liver? The fuck?” Sunny asked truly offended.
Minus trying to steal her man, Sunny had been a good friend to Piper. She helped her around the shop as much as she could without her back hurting. Sunny was always a listening ear when Piper wanted to vent about issues that her and Saque may have had. Granted, she used that information to her advantage, but she still listened.
“Girl it ain’t even like that and this ain’t about you. That’s been my friend for years and I miss her. It has nothing to do with the relationship that I have with you.” Piper rolled her eyes and headed in the direction of Sutton and Kahleno who had rejoined her.
Kahleno said something in Sutton’s ear making her giggle like a school girl. She shook her head and threw her head back and he placed a soft kiss on her neck. Piper smiled at the two while she could hear Sunny kissing her teeth from behind her.
“You need to hurry up, Kahlil and Kane back here tearing shit up,” Kahleno said when Piper was in ear shot. When his eye’s met Piper’s his face became serious. He knew the history between the two and he wasn’t feeling his wife arguing while she was pregnant with his seed.
He felt the tension the minute Piper was close enough to touch and he wasn’t feeling it. He wanted Sutton to be as stress free as possible and he would do anything to make sure that happened.
Kahleno’s eyes held a hint of evil and Piper had to break eye contact soon after joining. She knew what kind of man he was, and she wasn’t trying to start any drama. She just wanted her friend back and hoped that they could have a quick conversation.
“Take that bullshit on somewhere, she pregnant and she ain’t about to be arguing about a muthafucking thing,” Kahleno voiced. “Cause if something happens to my kids it’s gone be some hymn singing and flower bringing, and I put that on everything.” Kahleno’s tone was calm and low, from the outside looking in you would never know that he had just threatened her life.
Swallowing hard Piper nodded her head, she wrung her hands together while she tried to put together her thoughts. “I come in peace.” She offered up a small smile that wasn’t returned. She was starting to think that maybe Sunny was right and she was playing herself trying to talk to Sutton.
“It’s okay baby.” Sutton turned to Kahleno and patted his chest to get his attention because he was staring a hole through Piper, like he wanted to rip her head off. “Kahleno!”
“No! I don’t want to hear that shit and I know how you are and you ain’t got time to be stressing over no bullshit. Fuck that!” he was getting pissed by the second and Piper knew that she just should have left but she just wanted to see her friend.
“Congratulations on the baby.” Piper’s words felt genuine and it lowered the guard that Kahleno had up but not enough to erase the scowl on his handsome face.
“Babies.” Sutton beamed placing her hands on her stomach.
“Oh my God Sutton that’s amazing, with your fertile ass.” Piper joked and Sutton laughed, further easing that tension that surrounded the group. “I’m so damn happy for y’all! Like y’all are damn sure couple goals.” Piper nodded with the widest smile. “Like you’re glowing Sut, everything around you is glowing.”
“Thanks, yeah like life is too short to be anything but happy.” Her words were true, she looked back at Kahleno and he leaned down to kiss her lips. He gave her a warning look before he decided to walk off and let the two talk, but he wouldn’t be far and the minute he heard her voice raise one octave above normal he was flipping the fuck out. “I don’t know what to do with that man sometimes.”
“It’s crazy that we both got out of fucked up relationships and found our forever.” Piper wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed up and down her arm
Sutton looked at her and wanted to shout to the roof top that Saque was a fuck boy and was fucking her over and she didn’t even know it. She knew that Piper would never believe it even with proof, so she didn’t waste her breath. Then the petty side of her wanted to do to Piper what she did to her and let her walk around being a fool.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to meet these little monsters in here and I pray they are nothing like their brother.” Sutton laughed. Even though she was skeptical about speaking to Piper she had to admit that it felt good talking to her. It wouldn’t change how she felt or how she viewed Piper but talking to her felt good.
“How’s your dad taking everything?” Piper knew how Sutton’s father was with her dating drug dealers.
“It took him a little while but he’s okay with it. Him and Kahleno are really cool.” Sutton nodded her head right as Cassidy walked up with his arm around Key. He looked back and forth between Sutton and Piper with an eyebrow raised.
“Sup sis, you good?”
“Yeah Cas I’m straight.” Sutton playfully rolled her eyes and Cassidy lightly mushed her making her and Key laugh. “Where the hell y’all been, the boys been back there showing out.” Sutton pointed at them and then looked at Key’s disheveled hair. “Y’all been fucking!” Sutton covered her mouth.
“Damn Sut tell everybody.” Key grilled her before she burst out laughing.
When they got there Cassidy started with his shit, since the first time they had sex they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. The connection they had with each other before was magnified times ten and they both were excited about building together. It was all happening fast but they both welcomed it.
“Man I ain’t fooling with y’all, I’m going to find my brother.” Cassidy waved them off.
“Check on Kane while you’re back there too!” Key yelled to his back.
“Oh my bad, Piper this is my friend Akiya, but we call her Key and Key this is Piper.” Sutton introduced the two with a smile on her face.